• 51,396 Trophies Earned
  • 936 Players Tracked
  • 66 Total Trophies
  • 1,050 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,380 Points
  • 679 Platinum Club
  • 487 100% Club

Collect 10 more coins while already having max lives in Unlimited Mode. (You run and run, and at last there is a light in the distance. Your loved ones meet you at the end of the road. They fearfully hold your hands, masking their tears with a false smile. The water grows cold, and the sirens and screams slow to a pause. “Never let go,” you say, shivering but feeling safe within the warmth of their company. “We promise,” they say, “we will never let go, Jack.” Those words gave you a sigh of relief, but it soon turned to concern as your name wasn’t Jack. You replayed those words in your head, tracing each nuance and overtone. But as quickly as those words faded into silence, so too did the promises. You see the emptiness in their eyes. Even worse, you finally see yourself, as you really are. The ship is sinking. There is no future, there is no space on the door. And they let go, chuckling at the reference they were just dying to make. But you still have nine lives left, amiright?)

76.28% Common - 17.00 EXP

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