• 369,797 Achievements Earned
  • 32,492 Players Tracked
  • 139 Total Achievements
  • 48,501 Obtainable EXP
  • 100 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Play for 10 turns, across any number of playthroughs.

    98.81% (14.00)
  • Play for 1 000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.

    18.26% (71.00)
  • Play for 10 000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.

    0.72% (794.00)
  • Win a game in Newbie or higher difficulty against AI.

    25.29% (52.00)
  • Win a game in Easy or higher difficulty against AI.

    21.05% (62.00)
  • Win a game in Normal or higher difficulty against AI.

    17.31% (75.00)
  • Win a game in Hard or higher difficulty against AI.

    5.96% (196.00)
  • Win a game in Serious or higher difficulty against AI.

    3.75% (288.00)
  • Win a game in Impossible or higher difficulty against AI.

    2.79% (360.00)
  • Win a game in "Endless" difficulty against AI.

    2.57% (383.00)
  • Play a game in multiplayer with at least one another human.

    32.01% (41.00)
  • Win a game in multiplayer with at least one another human.

    4.73% (238.00)
  • Win an Expansion Victory.

    4.80% (235.00)
  • Win an Economic Victory.

    9.26% (133.00)
  • Win a Diplomatic Victory.

    4.11% (267.00)
  • Win a Science Victory.

    7.89% (154.00)
  • Win a Score Victory.

    7.12% (168.00)
  • Win a Supremacy Victory.

    13.13% (97.00)
  • Win an Elimination Victory.

    11.93% (106.00)
  • Win a Wonder Victory.

    8.85% (139.00)
  • Finish the basics of tutorial.

    57.56% (23.00)
  • Win with the Broken Lords.

    8.00% (152.00)
  • Win with the Ardent Mages.

    3.82% (283.00)
  • Win with the Wild Walkers.

    8.49% (144.00)
  • Win with the Necrophages.

    5.76% (202.00)
  • Win with the Roving Clans.

    3.82% (283.00)
  • Win with the Vaulters.

    10.26% (121.00)
  • Win with the Drakken.

    6.13% (192.00)
  • Win with the Cultists of the Eternal End.

    7.28% (165.00)
  • Win with a Custom Faction.

    4.91% (231.00)
  • Activate all the 4th levels in the Empire Plan.

    13.74% (93.00)
  • Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Dust.

    23.27% (56.00)
  • Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Food.

    17.23% (75.00)
  • Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Science.

    24.04% (55.00)
  • Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Industry.

    17.63% (73.00)
  • Have one city which produces more than 500 Influence.

    15.28% (84.00)
  • Assimilate 3 minor factions.

    24.41% (54.00)
  • Complete 250 quests, across any number of playthroughs.

    4.27% (259.00)
  • Finish the last chapter of a faction quest.

    14.83% (86.00)
  • Finish the last chapters of every faction quests, across any number of playthroughs.

    0.64% (833.00)
  • Exploit each kind of strategic resource in one game.

    24.43% (54.00)
  • Have 100 of each strategic resource.

    12.63% (100.00)
  • Use a booster of each luxury resource, across any number of playthroughs.

    10.53% (118.00)
  • Have 5 active luxury boosters at the same time.

    27.31% (48.00)
  • Use a Food, a Science, and an Industry stockpile in one game.

    9.49% (130.00)
  • Have two cities in less than 15 turns.

    16.69% (77.00)
  • Have 3 city tiles at level 2 in one of your cities.

    33.33% (40.00)
  • Build 100 improvements in your entire Empire in one game.

    39.75% (34.00)
  • Be the faction with the highest score at turn 25 playing on hard or higher difficulty.

    4.05% (270.00)
  • Be the faction with the highest score at turn 25 playing on Endless difficulty.

    2.15% (434.00)
  • Explore 1 000 tiles before the 50th turn.

    27.85% (47.00)
  • Pacify 500 villages, across any number of playthroughs.

    1.54% (538.00)
  • Gain 1 000 000 of Dust, across any number of playthroughs.

    10.30% (121.00)
  • Get 20 trade routes or more starting from, crossing or reaching your empire.

    19.79% (66.00)
  • Have 8 heroes in one game.

    15.14% (85.00)
  • Level up a hero to level 15.

    18.32% (71.00)
  • Kill 1 000 units, across any number of playthroughs.

    8.21% (148.00)
  • Kill a roving city.

    1.56% (534.00)
  • Attack a friendly army with privateers.

    3.49% (304.00)
  • With the Ardent Mages, have 5 pillars at the same time.

    5.34% (215.00)
  • With the Broken Lords, have a district producing more than 10 Dust.

    12.55% (101.00)
  • With the Cultists, have 20 converted villages at the same time.

    6.96% (172.00)
  • With the Drakken, win a game without having been in war.

    2.47% (394.00)
  • With the Necrophages, use 10 recycled stockpiles in one game.

    5.04% (226.00)
  • With the Roving Clans, get more than 1 000 Dust from the Market Place taxes.

    5.17% (221.00)
  • With the Vaulters, teleport 10 units in a besieged city in one turn.

    1.65% (515.00)
  • With the Wild Walkers, win a battle against at least 4 enemies without taking any damage.

    8.48% (144.00)
  • Conquer 5 cities during a single winter.

    7.83% (155.00)
  • Finish a game while never breaking an alliance you made at least 100 turns ago.

    2.95% (346.00)
  • As the Drakken, exploit at least 5 ruins at the same time.

    6.91% (173.00)
  • Win a Quest Victory.

    4.98% (228.00)
  • ...in the ruins all across Auriga, and even throughout...

    10.27% (121.00)
  • Win a game with generation presets other than default.

    2.96% (345.00)
  • Have the 5 different Guardians at the same time.

    4.81% (235.00)
  • Have the 5 Legendary Buildings at the same time.

    9.02% (136.00)
  • Complete all the Legendary Deeds, across any number of playthroughs.

    0.89% (723.00)
  • Capture a city containing a Legendary Building.

    9.41% (131.00)
  • Kill a Guardian.

    13.16% (96.00)
  • Contribute to a completed Co-operative Quest.

    14.40% (89.00)
  • Capture 10 spies, across any number of playthroughs.

    0.62% (843.00)
  • Perform 5 infiltration actions without leaving the infiltrated city.

    2.81% (358.00)
  • With a spy, return a governor to his owner's academy without being detected.

    1.40% (569.00)
  • Pillage 30 buildings, across any number of playthroughs.

    1.58% (529.00)
  • Get 500 Dust by pillage.

    4.23% (261.00)
  • Win a game with the Forgotten.

    2.68% (371.00)
  • With the Forgotten, be the first to reach the 2nd Era.

    5.05% (226.00)
  • With the Forgotten, steal 10 researches.

    2.39% (403.00)
  • Collect 1 000 Pearls in one game.

    3.44% (308.00)
  • Collect 10 000 Pearls, across any number of playthroughs.

    0.76% (776.00)
  • Collect 1 Pearl Cluster with a value of at least 20.

    13.23% (96.00)
  • Start and win a battle on frozen waters.

    5.76% (202.00)
  • Lose one army due to the thaw.

    4.44% (251.00)
  • Spend 1 000 prayers on Winter votes, across any number of playthroughs.

    0.62% (843.00)
  • Unlock all Blessings of the Altar of Auriga in one game.

    5.29% (217.00)
  • Win with the Allayi.

    2.29% (415.00)
  • Have 100 force-shifted units, across any number of playthroughs.

    0.64% (833.00)
  • Fight with an army, reinforcements included, having both Light and Dark forms of each of the Allayi units (Seeker, Skyfin and Monk).

    0.82% (750.00)
  • Extract 100 strategic or luxury resources in another empire, across any number of playthroughs.

    0.93% (708.00)
  • Control every Fortress in the world.

    2.87% (353.00)
  • Control each of the unique facilities across any number of playthroughs.

    1.09% (654.00)
  • Complete your control of an ocean by trading for a Fortress.

    1.81% (486.00)
  • Ambush an enemy army from a fog-bank.

    6.98% (171.00)
  • Attack an army containing only land units with an army containing only submersible units.

    11.07% (113.00)
  • Complete 5 quests for the Fomorians in a single game.

    3.00% (341.00)
  • Capture 50 Fomorian-controlled Fortresses across any number of playthroughs.

    1.87% (476.00)
  • Win a battle using an army containing each type of Fomorian warship.

    1.98% (458.00)
  • As Morgawr, win the game without ever building or purchasing land units (except for Settler units).

    0.90% (719.00)
  • As Morgawr, control an ocean which borders 4 or more land regions you control.

    2.30% (414.00)
  • As Morgawr, control one region on at least 4 different continents.

    1.59% (527.00)
  • As Morgawr, use a Black Spot to prompt the elimination of an empire by a third party.

    3.06% (336.00)
  • Win a game with the Morgawr.

    2.27% (418.00)
  • Defeat the Sea Monster.

    3.65% (294.00)
  • Lose an army to the Sea Monster.

    4.18% (264.00)
  • Win a Shared Victory.

    2.35% (408.00)
  • Achieve victory with the Kapaku.

    1.47% (553.00)
  • Volcanoform 400 tiles over any number of playthroughs.

    0.83% (746.00)
  • Possess a unit with all Geomancy buffs active simultaneously.

    0.63% (838.00)
  • Volcanoform an enemy city's entire exploited tiles.

    0.65% (828.00)
  • Ambush an enemy army from a Dust Blizzard.

    5.79% (201.00)
  • Possess an army with all Dust Eclipse map-based buffs active simultaneously.

    5.05% (226.00)
  • Search 12 Temples in a single Dust Eclipse.

    2.73% (366.00)
  • Move an army 20 tiles in a single turn with the Wild Walkers.

    1.52% (542.00)
  • Sacrifice 8000 total HP using Soul Burn over any number of playthroughs.

    0.39% (983.00)
  • Teleport 5 or more units to a sieging Vaulter hero.

    0.43% (955.00)
  • Spawn 30 Battle Born using Cadaver stockpiles in a single game.

    0.63% (838.00)
  • Inflict 800 damage with a single unit in a single attack as the Ardent Mages.

    0.50% (911.00)
  • Kill an enemy hero with a Setseke.

    0.44% (949.00)
  • Restore the peace with a least 3 empires within a single turn.

    1.03% (673.00)
  • Win 8 battles with armies exclusively composed of minor faction units within a single turn.

    0.39% (983.00)
  • Win with the Mykara.

    1.63% (519.00)
  • Create 1000 Fungal Blooms across any number of playthroughs.

    0.48% (923.00)
  • Create 50 Fungal Blooms in a single game.

    2.58% (382.00)
  • Integrate 7 factions in a single game.

    0.48% (923.00)
  • Control 20 Overgrown Cities at the same time.

    0.64% (833.00)
  • Control all 3 Urkans at the same time.

    3.16% (328.00)
  • Have all 3 Urkans affect a single one of your cities at the same time.

    1.75% (497.00)
  • Kill 1000 Lice units across any number of playthroughs.

    0.44% (949.00)
  • Deal 1 000 000 damage with Tremors over any number of playthroughs.

    0.34% (1019.00)
  • Take control of an Urkan owned by another faction and set it free (in the same turn).

    0.66% (823.00)