• 25,440 Trophies Earned
  • 2,286 Players Tracked
  • 54 Total Trophies
  • 14,977 Obtainable EXP
  • 2,100 Points
  • 314 Platinum Club
  • 64 100% Club
Earned Date

Father's Promise DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Faced my demons and learned the truth of that horrible night.

    10.02% (244.00)
  • Finally found a way back to the old apartment. Or whatever was left of it.

    11.72% (208.00)
  • Some may need the clothes more than anything.

    10.59% (230.00)
  • The stakes were high, but I could not stay idle. I killed those soldiers, but I saved the doctor.

    8.31% (294.00)

Fading Embers DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • The winter was severe. I knew Tito used to help my father frequently. I decided to help him too.

    6.34% (385.00)
  • Complete the game with all the alternate endings.

    2.80% (871.00)
  • Zoran's destiny is fulfilled. We didn't burn any of our legacy.

    4.64% (526.00)
  • For the safety, all the pillars in the museum have been reinforced.

    4.29% (569.00)
  • Some people just want to watch the world burn.

    3.63% (672.00)
  • They had only their adoptive father - Adam. Now they have a glimmer of hope to survive this war.

    5.12% (477.00)
  • We finally managed to repair the truck. Now we can move our heritage to safety.

    6.04% (404.00)
  • We gave the painting to Colonel Markov. Our heritage should be safe now.

    4.94% (494.00)
  • We gave the case files to Taras the fence. Our heritage should be safe now.

    4.64% (526.00)
  • We faced the harsh winter together and made it to the Museum, our new shelter.

    7.48% (326.00)
  • Milena's wish came true. We saved it all - our precious heritage.

    4.59% (532.00)
  • We acquired the truck parts without giving up Anja's necklace.

    4.81% (507.00)

The Last Broadcast DLC trophies

Earned Date

The Little Ones DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • It’s crucial that kids learn to survive on their own. What if we don’t come back one night?

    5.82% (419.00)
  • We made it! Schools will reopen soon. From now on, kids will live a normal life again.

    7.48% (326.00)
  • Attacking a place that shelters a kid… Atrocious! We stand together to protect our little one!

    10.32% (236.00)
  • Kids… they sometimes seem to be far away from this war. It’s heartwarming.

    9.27% (263.00)
  • At least the kid has a new playmate. Maybe it will even be a break from our daily routine here.

    6.96% (351.00)
  • Solidarity. That’s the first thing we have to teach to our children.

    6.43% (379.00)
  • We wish we could be kids again and have fun with practically nothing.

    9.80% (249.00)
  • Nothing is more beautiful to see than a child smile and play again.

    6.61% (369.00)